Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good Day

So my interview at the law firm this morning was "ok." It seemed better than my last one, but it's more like someplace I'd work to have a job but not really something I'd be passionate about. The good news for the day, is that I got a call for a second interview at the place I do really like. Apparently my references must have said nice things about me. When the woman from this place called and said she wanted to schedule a second interview, I replied with, "Oh, that's great!" Her reply was, "We think that's great too." I took that to be a pretty good sign.

Aside from that, I responded to an ambulance call for nothing particularly interesting and got a chance to swim at the Y. The cute lifeguard was working, so that was an added little bonus.

I also had a great chat online with the author of one of my favorite blogs, I Think I Might Be Gay. It was nice to talk to one of the people whose life I read about on a regular basis. If you haven't, check out his blog here...

1 comment:

jay said...

Oh wow, good luck! Glad it worked out well. Beware of having a job just to have a job.

Although sometimes I've thought I wouldn't like something and like it alot.