Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monday Monday

Ironically, it's now Tuesday. Oh well...

Not too much to report since yesterday. I had a pretty uneventful day today. Did some more work on the job search, a few things around the house, and went for a good swim. Now that I'm getting back in shape, the swimming is getting to be more fun. I can do more creative and challenging workouts and it's easier to keep myself a little bit more motivated. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the pool I swim at seems to be lacking other male swimmers my own age. A few hot guys in tight swimwear doesn't seem to be too much to ask for does it?On the religion front, I've been thinking a lot about how my current position might be different if I hadn't been raised in a very very Catholic environment and gone to Catholic schools all my life but rather been raised without religion and discovered that later on. I also wonder how being gay has come into play. Given my background as a science major in college and the fact that I tend to be one of those people who thinks in that way, I feel like the fact that I've already had a go at religion makes it very hard for me to ever approach it again in a positive manner. Perhaps if I hadn't been so intensely exposed, and it discovered it later when I could decide it all for myself, I'd be in a different position and wouldn't be stuck now applying science to religion to explain why it doesn't work.

I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone other than me...

1 comment:

J.R. said...

No hot guys at the pool where you swim?? Dang, life can be rough, bud. Heh. Trudge onward and someday you will find a pool full of hot guys... I just know it!

Good post. I'm enjoying your discussion about religion a lot.