Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hi There!

What you need to know about me in order to read this blog.

1. I'm new to this.  I hope this will be a fun little project but please be patient as I figure things out.

2. I just graduated college with a degree in psychology (which it turns out is good for everything and nothing all at the same time).

3. I'm a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  Some of what I write about might only be fun or funny to others in EMS but I will try not to go overboard.  As an EMT, by default, I have a sense of humor that's a little "off."

4. I'm a half out of the closet gay guy.

5. I want to hear from people who read this and would love links to other blogs.


jay said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

was ambling about and chanced upon your blog...am in coll and am doing psychology, and am in the health sciences, would have loved to be an EMT.

my religion keeps troubling me about my persuance...good luck with securing the job of your choice--scz,bipolar,manic - I am highly interested in that stuff too!

hit me up at mopr_2007@hotmail.com and would love to hear from ya..