Monday, July 9, 2007

So You'll Be Here When Exactly...?

One of my biggest pet peeves in the world is when you have some household item that needs repair and the person coming to repair said item tells you something like, "I'll be there between noon and 3pm." First off, why can't you just tell me a time you're going to be there? It's called an appointment, and is how the rest of the world functions. Second, if you give me a three hour (or larger) window, that's a huge amount of time for me to hang around just waiting for you. In light of that, you had darn well better be there in said window of time. But, of course, the technician coming to make some hardware repairs on my Dell laptop (by the way, I will never buy another Dell as long as I live) of course managed to come at 3:40 pm. My whole day was pretty much a waste thanks to it. The guy who did show up was a nice guy and quite competent, but the half hour of repairs should not have required my full day, especially not when everything was under warranty.

Speaking of repairs, my car started making a noise today that it definitely shouldn't be. Unfortunately, getting home at 10:30 tonight, I won't be able to deal with it at all until tomorrow.


Mike said...

I'm definitely at the point of no Dell again either. I did convince my parents to buy my sister a Mac for graduation... she refuses to use it. She actually cried because we didn't get her a Dell. Childish? Yes.

My Dell laptop had to be replaced last year after the motherboard went bad 5 times in a span of 2 months. That convinced the Dell tech to ask for a new laptop for me, but the laptop they sent was refurbished. I was not happy about that.

Mike said...

I'm getting tired of Dell. The Dell tech out here is a Chinese guy who gives no advanced warning and wants to come on a whim and it always at the most inconvenient time.

I'm just a little tired of Dell. We've had Dell's in my family for years. My last laptop had the motherboard break and fry 5 times in 2 months last year. It was hard to convince Dell to replace the computer. Finally did, but they sent me a refurbished computer. Albeit, it was better than what I had, but refurbished made me mad, especially after we paid a lot for my laptop.

I also don't like calling to talk to someone in India.

I did convince my parents to get my sister a Mac for her graduation because the college she is going to uses Macs a lot more than PCs. My sister however refuses to learn how to use her new Mac. Maybe I'll inherit it?

NYEMSWhacker said...

Sounds oddly familiar...The one thing that keeps me from buying a Mac just yet is the price. Once I figure out my job situation and it's time for a new computer, I'm there. Or, your sister could send hers my way. I wouldn't complain...

Mike said...

Hi... just thought I'd let you know I have a new blog... almost outed myself so I figured it was safest.

I'm sure my sister wouldn't mind. She won't even let me have her new computer. I am the one who really wants a Mac. I also know it will be best for her at her college. She says my computer has all my porn and stuff like that on it... heh... maybe... but she doesn't want me to install a new copy of XP on it. I think she just wants a new computer and a Dell... some people!

NYEMSWhacker said...

I changed the URL on my links but left the name of your blog the same for anyone who might have been following the link from my blog. If you want me to change the name to your new one I can do that too.

And yeah, I know I'd be freaking out if I thought someone who didn't know had just figured out this was my blog. I'm sure regular readers will follow you to the new one.