Monday, July 16, 2007

A Book

Ok, so as promised, this is a follow-up to my last post. After chatting for hours with my friend about religion the other day, I've realized that my real issue is more with specific churches than with the actual ideals of Christianity. Love your neighbor isn't something I have a hard time with. As I also mentioned in my last post, this friend gave me a "reading assignment." I have a lot of respect for him, particularly in this area, so I took him up on it and bought the book Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. This guy somehow nailed down just about every thought I have about religion in a way that anyone could understand. It was a book I was excited about cover to cover. I actually read it with a pen in hand and made a mess of it with underlining, bracketing, notes etc. Bell has an impressive and unusual way of talking about faith in a way that is compelling and makes anyone feel like they could fit in and in fact, do fit in. At some point when I'm not so tired, I'll make note of some of the ideas I particularly liked.

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